For years the plastic industry has searched every square inch of factory floor, hunting for ways to cut cost and increase competitiveness. But many are spending dollars to save cents as the total cost of ownership is overlooked more often than not.
“To put it brief you may very well overspend when investing in low priced equipment. If you want to make the wisest long-term investment you need to take a close look on issues like life span, maintenance cost, and down time. Surprisingly, a great many manufacturers have the very expensive habit to look only at the price tag, ” explains Mr. Jan Eisby, Sales Director at Danish corona supplier, Vetaphone.
Pushing the envelope
At Vetaphone the total cost of ownership has been a mantra for decades, as the engineers have pushed the envelope to make Vetaphone’s corona treaters more durable and easier to maintain, and most of all to eliminate down time – whatever the reason – at the lines of their clients.
“Down time is expensive and a waste of time and resources. Our clients need to keep their lines at maximum speed for as long as possible to ensure their competitiveness, and our mission has always been to help them do this,” states Mr. Eisby.
Over the years this mission has lead to the invention of the Quick Change cartridge, which virtually eliminates down time due to maintenance of the electrodes, it has lead to the invention of the Automatic Power Density, which ensures the correct corona treatment is always given, regardless of fluctuations in the line speed. But most of all it has lead to surprisingly stable and durable equipment.
24-7, year after year
At Danish film manufacturer Schur Flexible, Vetaphone has been the sole supplier of corona treaters since the 1960’s. According to Head of the Extrusion Department Alex Holst, the durability is the main reason why Schur Flexilble has never been tempted to try out another supplier:
“The Vetaphone corona treaters virtually never break. They just go on, 24-7, year after year. And if something is ever wrong, our own electricians can usually fix it. We never replace them because they break or wear out – we only change them when they are outpaced by the development. A recently replaced Vetaphone Corona treater had 26 years of running on its back at Schur Flexible.”
No hard decision
In Greece, high-end flexibles converter Hatzopoulus decided to test a Vetaphone Corona-Plus treater back in 2004. A few years later, Vetaphone corona treaters were standard throughout the production.
“We were attracted by the sturdy, simple construction and especially by the innovative and practical removable cartridge system, and we weren’t disappointed. The Vetaphone corona treater immediately reduced maintenance time and cost. And adding to that a very low ratio of breakdowns and failures during operation, it wasn’t a hard decision to go back for more, ” explains Technical Manager at Hatzopoulos, Mr. Ovidios Serb.
Consistent quality
In the UK, Director Dave Kirkham from A B Graphic International Ltd. looks forward to a long and beneficial partnership with Vetaphone:
“Vetaphone’s equipment is of a very good, and even more importantly a very consistent quality. Moreover they have assisted us with good sales support, engineer training and technical back up. They are one of our better suppliers.”
A bargain
Looking only at the price tag, Vetaphone’s corona treaters wouldn’t always be the cheapest on the market. But looking at the total cost of ownership, Mr Jan Eisby has no doubt that corona treaters from Vetaphone is a very wise investment indeed:
“We are told time and again by our clients that in the long run Vetaphone is really a bargain. The initial investment is well exceeded by the expenses we minimise. Honestly, Vetaphone’s Corona Plus lasts longer, has less down time and is easier to maintain than any other system on the market. If you look at the total cost of ownership, Vetaphone is what you’d choose.”